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Ph.D. Entomology, Mississippi State University
M. S. Agriculture and Life Science, Mississippi State University
B. S. Interdisciplinary Studies (Biology, Wildlife Science, and Forestry) Mississippi State University
I am broadly interested in the biodiversity of the southeastern United States especially that of natural grasslands in the region. I consider myself both a taxon scientist and ecologist as most of my research entails documenting and describing the biogeography, diversity, and ecology of the ant and grasshopper fauna of these habitats.
Ant Research
The southeastern United States is a hotspot for biological invasion, due to the large number of international shipping ports in the region. For example, the imported fire ants,Solenopsis richteri Forel and Solenopsis invicta Buren, and potentially several other exotic ants, entered the United States via the port of Mobile in the early part of the 20th century. The ant research at the MEM is headed up by Joe MacGown. Together, he and I have traveled throughout the southeastern United States sampling ants to gain a better understanding of the fauna of the region. This project is designed to document the distribution of native and exotic species of ants, so that future range changes may be detected and to detect the prescence of any new introductions. Additionally, I have conducted studies investigating habitat parameters that are correlated with ant community composition and the effects of prairie restoration techniques on ant communities.
Grasshopper Research
One would think the fauna of the southeastern United States would be relatively well documented, especially for organisms of relatively large size such as grasshoppers. However, such is not the case. For the last 12 years I have been working toward producing a faunal treatment of the grasshoppers of the southeastern United States. In that time I have made significant collections over most of the region, documenting species distribution, and in the process have discovered close to 30 undescribed species, all of which belong to the subfamily Melanoplinae.
The Melanoplinae is the largest subfamily of grasshoppers in the Southeast and contains numerous short-winged species that are incapable of flight. Recently my research has focused on taxonomic revisions of several species groups in this the genus Melanoplus and I am finding that the Coastal Plain and Interior Highlands, both classical areas of endemism, are rich in cryptic species in this genus. In the future, I plan on working on the biogeography of the southeastern Melanoplus in an attempt to explain what vicariant events may have led to speciation in the region.
Grassland Research
Grassland habitats in the southeastern United States are rich in rare and endemic species and significantly contribute to the biodiversity of the region. These grasslands are also some of the most imperiled habitats in the region, making the study of their biota and ecosystem function of the utmost importance. I have published papers documenting the ant and grasshopper fauna of grassland systems Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Texas. Since 2000, Dr. John Barone and I have put forth a large collaborative effort to study the biota and ecology of Black Belt Prairies in Mississippi and Alabama. Currently we, along with several others, are utilizing DNA barcoding to understand the diets of grasshoppers in these grasslands. In 2012, I helped organize the Southeastern Prairie Symposium, which sought to bring together researchers working in both natural and working grasslands in the Southeast. John Barone and myself are currently editing a book based on research presented at the symposium.
Peer Reviewed Publications (Chronological)
MacGown, J. A., J. G. Hill, R. L. Brown, and J. G. Lewis. An annotated list of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Mississippi. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 147: 133–155.
Hill, J.G. 2015 The ant fauna of the Big Thicket Region of Texas. MidSouth Entomologist 8: 24-34. [pdf]
Hill, J.G. (2015). Melanoplus billyharrisi, a replacement name for the junior homonym Melanoplus harrisi (Orthoptera: Melanoplinae) Transactions of the American Entomological Society 141: 26.[pdf]
Jones, J.J., J.G. Hill, and R.G. Hamrick 2014. Managing native grasslands. pp. 71-102 in Rohnke, A.T. and J.L. Cummins (eds) Fish and Wildlife Management: A Handbook for Mississippi Landowners. University Press of Mississippi, Jackson 418 pp.
Hill, J.G. 2014. Biological notes on some species in the Melanoplus tribulus species group (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Melanoplinae) with the description of two new species. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 140:1-16.[pdf]
Hill, J.G. 2013. Noteworthy collections of grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae) from the southeastern United States. MidSouth Entomologist 6: 115-118. [pdf]
MacGown, J. A., J. K. Wetterer, and J. G. Hill. 2012. Geographic spread of Strumigenys silvestrii (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Dacetini). Terrestrial Arthropod Reviews 5: 1-10, published online, DOI:10.1163/18749836-05031051.
MacGown, J. A., J. G. Hill, T. L. Schiefer, and R. L. Brown. 2012. Ant diversity and habitat associations at the Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge in Mississippi. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Technical Bulletin 1197. [pdf]
Hill, J. G. 2012. The Ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Fauna of Cedar Glades and Barrens of the Central Basin of Tennessee. In Program and Abstracts of the 56th annual Conference of the Mississippi Entomological Association, October 24–25, 2011 (eds. C. Peterson and K. Edwards). Midsouth Entomologist 5 (1): 20 [pdf]
Hill, J. G. and M. E. Dakin. 2011. An annotated list of the grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae, Romaleidae) of the southeastern United States. Midsouth Entomologist 4 (2): 39-48. [available online at: http://midsouthentomologist.org.msstate.edu/Volume4/Vol4_2_html_files/Vol4_2_002.html] [pdf]
MacGown, J. A., J. G. Hill, and M. Skvarla. 2011. New records of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) for Arkansas with a synopsis of previous records. Midsouth Entomologist 4 (2): 29-38. [available online at: http://midsouthentomologist.org.msstate.edu/Volume4/Vol4_2_html_files/Vol4_2_001.html] [pdf]
Hill J.G. 2010. A new species of Melanoplus (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Melanoplinae) from the cedar glades of Tennessee, USA. Journal of Orthoptera Research 19: 341‑345. [pdf]
MacGown, J. A. and J. G. Hill. 2010. A new species of Pyramica Roger (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Mississippi, U.S.A. Florida Entomologist. 93: 571-576.
MacGown, J. A. and J. G. Hill. 2010. Two new exotic pest ants, Pseudomyrmex gracilis and Monomorium floricola (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) collected in Mississippi(available online at: http://midsouthentomologist.org.msstate.edu/Volume3/Vol3_2_html_files/Vol3_2_007.html). Midsouth Entomologist 3 (2): 106-109. [pdf]
Hill, J. G. and R. L. Brown. 2010. The ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) fauna of Black Belt Prairie remnants in Alabama and Mississippi. Southeastern Naturalist 9: 73-84. [pdf]
Hill, J. G. 2009. The grasshopper (Orthoptera: Acrididae) fauna of sand dunes along the Little Ohoopee River, Emanuel County, Georgia, USA. Journal of Orthoptera Research 18: 29-35. [pdf]
Hill, J. G. 2009. First report of the eastern ant cricket, Myrmecophilus pergandei Bruner, (Orthoptera: Myrmecophilidae), collected from an imported fire ant colony, Solenopsis invicta x richteri (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Journal of Orthoptera Research 18: 57-58. [pdf]
MacGown, J. A., J. G. Hill, and M. Deyrup. 2009. Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the Little Ohoopee Dunes, Georgia. Journal of Entomological Science 44: 193-197.
MacGown, J. A. and J. G. Hill. 2009. Tapinoma melanocephalum (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), a new exotic ant in Mississippi. Mississippi Academy of Sciences 54: 172-174. [pdf]
Hill, J. G., K. S. Summerville, and R. L. Brown. 2008. Habitat association of ants in a heterogeneous Mississippi landscape. Env. Ent. 37: 453-463. [pdf]
MacGown, J. A., J. G. Hill, L. C. Majure, J. L. Seltzer 2008. Rediscovery of Pogonomyrmex badius (Latreille) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in mainland Mississippi, with an analysis of associated seeds and vegetation Midsouth Entomologist 1: 17-28
Barone, J. A. and J. G. Hill. 2007. Herbaceous flora of blackland prairie remnants in Mississippi and Western Alabama. Castanea 72: 226-234
MacGown, J. A., J.G. Hill, and M. A. Deyrup. 2007. Brachymyrmex patagonicus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), an emerging pest species in the southeastern United States. Florida Entomologist 90: 457- 464.
Hill, J. G. 2007. The grasshopper (Orthoptera: Romaleidae: Acrididae) fauna of Black Belt Prairie remnants in Mississippi and Alabama. Journal of Orthoptera Research 16: 139-144. [pdf]
Hill, J. G. and J. L. Seltzer. 2007. A note on additional plants found at Sixteenth Section (Osborn) Prairie. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Science 52: 295-297.
Hill, J. G. 2006. First report of the exotic ant, Pheidole obscurithorax Naves (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), attacking a hatchling chicken. Journal of Entomological Science 41: 397-398.
Hill, J. G. 2006. Field observations of Pheidole pilifera (Roger) and Paratrechina arenivaga (Wheeler) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in a Black Belt Prairie remnant in Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences. 51: 183-186.
MacGown, J. A. and J. G. Hill. 2006. The Eastern ant cricket, Myrmecophilus pergandei Bruner (Orthoptera: Myrmecophilidae), reported from Mississippi, U.S.A. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences. 51: 180-182.
Hill, J. G. and B. V. Brown. 2006. New records of the rarely collected ant-decapitating fly Apocephalus tenuipes Borgmeier (Diptera: Phoridae). Southeastern Naturalist 5: 367-368.
Hill, J. G. 2005. Disjunct distributions of Pseudopomala brachyptera and Campylacantha olivacea (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in blackland prairies of Mississippi. Entomological News 116: 127-130
MacGown, J. A., R. L. Brown, and J. G. Hill. 2005. An annotated list of the Pyramica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Dacetini) of Mississippi. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 78: 285–289.
Hill, J. G. 2004. A Note on a continuing Black Belt Prairie restoration effort at Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Science. 49: 225-226 [pdf]
Published Abstracts
Hill, J. G. 2013. Preliminary survey of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae) of the Big Thicket region of Texas. Midsouth Entomologist, Abstracts of the 59th Annual Conference of the Mississippi Entomological Association, October 22-23, 2012, pp 96-97. [pdf]
Hill, J. G. 2012. The Ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Fauna of Cedar Glades and Barrens of the Central Basin of Tennessee. In Program and Abstracts of the 56th annual Conference of the Mississippi Entomological Association, October 24–25, 2011 (eds. C. Peterson and K. Edwards). Midsouth Entomologist 5 (1): 20 [pdf]
MacGown, J. A., R. L. Brown, and J. G. Hill. 2010. Invasive and other exotic ants in Mississippi. Program and Abstracts of the 56th Annual Conference of the Mississippi Entomological Association, October 27–28, 2009. Midsouth Entomologist Vol. 3: 1: 63-64. [pdf]
MacGown, J. A., J. G. Hill, and R. L. Brown. 2010. Native and exotic ant in Mississippi state parks. Proceedings: Imported Fire Ant Conference, Charleston, South Carolina, March 24-26, 2008: 74-80. [pdf]
MacGown, J. A., J. G. Hill, and R. L. Brown. 2010. Dispersal of the exotic Brachymyrmex patagonicus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the United States. Proceedings: Imported Fire Ant Conference, Charleston, South Carolina, March 24-26, 2008: 80-86. [pdf]
Dakin, M. E. and J. G. Hill 2007. A preliminary list of the Orthopteroid insects of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. (Abstract) Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences 51: 152.
MacGown, J. A., J. G. Hill, and R. J. Jones. 2007. Ants in Mississippi State Parks. Abstract. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences (Abstract) 51: 152.
Hill, J. G. and R. L. Brown. 2005. The first record of the genus Polyergus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences 50: 120.
Barone, J. A. and J. G. Hill. 2006. Floristic affinities of black land prairies in Mississippi and Alabama. (Abstract) Southeastern Biology. 53: 291.
MacGown, J. A., R. L. Brown, and J. G. Hill. 2006. Carpenter Ants (Camponotus) of Mississippi [Abstract]. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences 51: 115.
Hill, J. G., R. L. Brown, and J. A. MacGown. 2006. Environmental Variables Affecting Ant (Formicidae) Community Composition in Mississippi’s Black Belt Prairie and Flatwoods Regions [Abstract]. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences 51: 56.
Hill, J. G., R. L. Brown, and J. A. MacGown. 2006. Environmental Variables Affecting Ant (Formicidae) Community Composition in Mississippi’s Black Belt Prairie and Flatwoods Regions [Abstract]. Southeastern Biology 53: 279.
Non Peer Reviewed Publications
Jones, J., D. Coggin, J. Cummins, and J. Hill (in press) Prairie Restoration Handbook for Mississippi. Wildlife Mississippi, Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, MSU, and US Fish and Wildlife Service. 65pp.
Hill, J. G. 2007. Observations of Neivamyrmex fallax Borgmier and Solenopsis xyloni McCook (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Marginalia Insecta 2: 2 (3 April, 2007).
Hill, J. G. 2007. The grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae) of the Bibb County Glades, Alabama. Marginalia Insecta 2: 1 (January 8, 2007).
MacGown J. A. and J. G. Hill, 2007. Rediscovery of the Florida harvester ant in mainland Mississippi. Newsletter of the Mississippi Native Plant Society and the Mississippi Environmental Education Alliance 25:2.
Hill, J. G. 2006. The life cycle of a mosquito and how I use it as a Betta Breeder. Flare 39: 13-14.
Hill, J. G. 2006. Environmental Variables Affecting Ant (Formicidae) Community Composition in Mississippi’s Black Belt Prairie and Flatwoods Regions. Masters Thesis, Mississippi State University. 74pp. [pdf]
Hill, J. G. 2006. The First Record of the Green Stinkbug Chlorochroa persimilis Horvath (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) from Alabama. Marginalia Insecta 1: 2. (13 October 2006).
Hill. J. G. 2006. Grasshoppers in Mississippi. Newsletter of the Mississippi Native Plants and Environmental Education Alliance. 24:2
Hill, J. G. and J. A. MacGown. 2008. Survey of Grasshoppers and Ants from the Big Hammock, Ohoopee Dunes, and Fall Line Sandhills Natural Areas. Report to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. 30 pp.
Jones J. C., K. Edwards, T. Harris, S. Gallagher, J. Fogarty and J. Hill. 2007. Surveys and Recommendations for Conservation of Rare Fauna and Upland Prairies of Tombigbee National Forests, Tombigbee Ranger District, Mississippi. Department of Wildlife and Fisheries and Department of Entomology, Mississippi State University 110 pp.
Hill, J. G. 2007. The grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae) of the Bibb County Glades, Alabama. Submitted to Chris Oberholster of the Nature Conservancy, Alabama Chapter.
Brown R. L. and J. G. Hill. Report of Collection made by the Mississippi Entomological Museum on public lands in Texas. Submitted to David Riskind of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.
Brown R. L., J. G. Hill and J. A. MacGown. Report of Insects Collected on Mississippi Public lands. Submitted to the Mississippi Natural Heritage Commission.
Hill, J. G. Collections of Melanoplus stegocercus Rehn and Hebard (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in Georgia State Parks. Submitted to Cindy Rettinger of the Georgia State Parks and Historic Sites.
MacGown J. A. and J. G. Hill. Ants in Roosevelt State Park, Scott County, Mississippi. Submitted to the management of Roosevelt State Park.
Hill J. G. and J. A. MacGown. Grasshoppers collected at the Deaton Preserve, Greene County, Mississippi. Sent to Rebecca Stowe of the Nature Conservancy.
Hill J. G. Ants collected at Okatibbee Lake, Lauderdale County, Mississippi. Sent to Van McWhorter of the U. S. Army Corp of Engineers.
MacGown J. A and J. G. Hill. Ants collected at Palestinian Gardens, George County Mississippi. Sent to Rebecca Stowe of the Nature Conservancy.
MacGown J. A. and J G. Hill. Ants collected at the Deaton Preserve, Greene County, Mississippi. Sent to Rebecca Stowe of the Nature Conservancy.
Hill, J.G., J. A. Barone, and L. McInnis. 2011. Evaluation of Restoration Techniques in Black Belt Prairies of Mississippi. Grasslands in a Global Context Symposium. Kansas State University/Konza Prairie LTER. September 12‑14 2011. (Poster)
Barone, J. A. and J. G. Hill. 2011. Metacommunity Structure of Blackland
Prairie Communities in Mississippi and Alabama. Grasslands in a Global
Context Symposium. Kansas State University/Konza Prairie LTER. September
12‑14 2011. (Poster)
Hill, J. G. and J. L. Seltzer. 2010. Insect Collecting at Night. The Elsie Quarterman Glade Festival, Cedars of Lebanon State Park. April 30 - May 1, 2010.
Hill, J. G., J. L. Seltzer, and J. A. MacGown. 2010. Insect Collecting Methods. The Elsie Quarterman Glade Festival, Cedars of Lebanon State Park. April 30 - May 1, 2010.
Hill, J. G. 2008. The Grasshopper (Orthoptera: Acrididae) Fauna of Sand Dunes Along the Little Ohoopee River Dunes, Emanuel County Georgia. Mississippi Entomological Association, Mississippi State University, MS 28-29 Oct. 2008. (poster)
MacGown, J. A., J. G. Hill, and M. Deyrup. 2008. Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the Little Ohoopee River Dunes, Emanuel County Georgia. Mississippi Entomological Association, Mississippi State University, MS 28-29 Oct. 2008. (poster)
MacGown, J. A., J. G. Hill, T. L. Schiefer, R. L. Brown. 2008. Ant diversity and habitat associations at the Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge in Mississippi. Mississippi Entomological Association, Mississippi State University, MS 28-29 Oct. 2008. (poster)
Hill, J. G. and R. L. Brown. 2007. The Ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Fauna of Black Belt Prairie Remnants in Mississippi and Alabama. Mississippi Academy of Sciences 20-22 Feb. 2008. (poster)
MacGown, J. A. and J. G. Hill. 2008. Brachymyrmex patagonicus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), an emerging pest species introduced into the southeastern United States. Mississippi Academy of Sciences 20-22 Feb. 2008. (poster)
Dakin, M. E. and J. G. Hill. A list of the Orthopteroid insects of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Discover Life in America- All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory Conference, Gatlinburg, TN, 3-5 December 2007. [power point poster]
MacGown, J. A. and J. G. Hill. 2007. Brachymyrmex patagonicus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), an emerging pest species introduced into the southeastern United States. Mississippi Entomological Society 24-26 Oct. 2007. [power point poster]
Hill, J. G. and R. L. Brown. 2007. The Ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Fauna of Black Belt Prairie Remnants in Mississippi and Alabama. Mississippi Entomological Society 24-26 Oct. 2007. [power point poster]
Hill, J. G., K. S. Summerville, R. L. Brown, and J. A. MacGown. 2007. The assembly of ant communities in a heterogeneous landscape in Mississippi. Poster Presentation, Fire Ant Conference, Gainesville, FL, 23-26 April 2007. [power point poster]
Barone, J. A. and J. G. Hill. Plant community composition and structure of remnant blackland prairies in Mississippi and Alabama. Association of Southeastern Biologist Annual Meeting, April 18-21. Oral Presentation.
MacGown, J. A., J. G. Hill, and R. J. Jones. 2006. Ants in Mississippi State Parks. Poster Presentation, Mississippi Entomological Society, 25-27 Oct. 2006. [power point poster]
Hill, J. G. 2006. Ants and Environmental Variables That Affect Their Community Composition. Presentation to the Biology Department of Columbus State University, Columbus, GA. 6 April 2006. Oral Presentation.
Dakin, M. E. and J. G. Hill. 2006. A preliminary list of the Orthopteroid sensu lato of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Poster Presentation, Mississippi Entomological Society, 25-27 Oct. 2006. [power point poster]
MacGown, J. A., R. L. Brown, and J. G. Hill. 2005. Carpenter Ants (Camponotus) of Mississippi. Poster-presented to: Mississippi Entomological Society, 3-4 Nov. 2005; Entomological Society of America, 15-18 Dec. 2005; and Mississippi Academy of Science, 22-24 February 2006. [power point poster]
Hill, J. G., R. L. Brown, and J. A. MacGown. 2005. Environmental Variables Affecting Ant (Formicidae) Community Composition in Mississippi’s Black Belt Prairie and Flatwoods Regions. Poster-presented to: Mississippi Entomological Society, 3-4 Nov. 2005; Entomological Society of America, 15-18 Dec. 2005; Mississippi Academy of Science, 22-24 February 2006; and Association of Southeastern Biologists, 29 March-1 April 2006. [power point poster]
Hill, J.G., R. L. Brown; and J.A. Barone. 2005. The Black Belt Prairie of Mississippi and Alabama. 11th Symposium of the Natural History of the Lower Tennessee and Cumberland River Valleys. Oral Presentation .
Hill, J.G. 2004. The Ant Fauna of the Black Belt Prairie and Flatwoods Regions of Mississippi. Mississippi Entomological Association annual meeting. Oral Presentation.
Professional Memberships
Awards or Offices
President of the Entomology and Plant Pathology Club (2003)
Winner of the Mississippi Entomological Association’s Pat and Linda Harris Graduate Scholarship (2005)
Co-recipient of the 2009 Mississippi Chapter of the Wildlife Society's Outstanding Book award for Restoring and Managing Native Prairies: A Handbook for Mississippi Landowners with Jeanne Jones, Daniel Coggin, and James Cummings.
Winner of the Mississippi Entomological Association’s Pat and Linda Harris Graduate Scholarship (2010)
Co-recipient of the 2011 Merritt Lyndon Fernald Award for the best paper published in Rhodora for
The vascular flora of Lauderdale, County, Mississippi U.S.A. with Lucas Majure, Chris Doffitt, and Terence Majure.
Ants of the Southeastern United States
Orthoptera of the Southeastern United States
The Black Belt in Alabama and Mississippi