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Adjunct Faculty
Mississippi State University

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Yale Center for Biodiversity and Global Change
165 Prospect Street 
New Haven, CT 06520-8106, USA

Georgia Museum of Natural History
UGCA Collections Associate, Entomology
101 Cedar Street

Doug Booher Photo


My research focuses on ants spans from describing species to understanding global drivers of ant diversity and their functional roles. Currently, my research addresses the global diversity, geographic distribution, and conservation of ants. At heart I am a community ecologist and interested in understanding the processes that drive diversity patterns and structure ant assemblages across very small to very large spatial scales. My PhD and postgraduate research on functional morphology and evolution of miniature trap jaw ants revealed how biomechanically complex systems can repeatedly evolve, driving diversity and seemingly deterministic assemblage patterns. This work has expanded to understanding drivers of species diversity and traits of all ant species. Central to all of my research are natural history museums, and they are where I want to be if I’m not getting lost in some tropical forest. Most recently I used museum records to examine the long term impact introduced species have on native ant communities. As a taxonomist I am always excited to discover and describe new species and when naming them after people I have the broader goal of increasing gender and human diversity inclusion.