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Key to Myrmica species in or possible in MS and AL (from Creighton 1950)

Frontal lobes narrow, barely or not at all projecting above the antennal fossae; the insertions of the antennae exposed when the head is viewed from above (base of scape with spatulate flange)


Frontal lobes strongly projecting over the antennal fossae; the insertions of the antennae are hidden when viewed from above

2(1)  The scape abruptly bent at base, the upper surface forming a right angle, lamina present, small and diagonally transverse on the upper surface of the scape and continued as a prominent transparent flange along the inner surface of scape below bend
  The scape gradually and evenly bent at base, the upper surface never forming a right angle at the bend; lamina, if present, forming a low and inconspicuous ridge at the side of the bend and never prolonged onto the upper surface of the scape
3(2)   Ventral surface of postpetiole, in profile, flat, or nearly so, not forming an anterior projection
  Ventral surface of postpetiole, in profile, convex or forming a prominent anterior projection that thrusts forward under anterior peduncle

Scapes surpassing occipital margin by an amount equal to their greatest thickness; propodeal spines about 1.5 times as long as the distance which separate their bases and slightly deflected downward; color piceous brown; length 4.0-4.7 mm

  Scapes barely surpassing occipital margin; propodeal spines only slightly longer than the distance which separate their bases and not deflected downward; color brownish yellow; smaller species, length 3.5-4.0 mm