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Survey work documenting Nitidulidae in Mississippi has been lead by Clarence Collison, although members of the Mississippi Entomological Museum (MEM) have greatly contributed to the effort by collecting, pinning, and labeling specimens. Terry Schiefer, JoVonn Hill, Joe MacGown, and others have collected many specimens during the last 15 years. James Lewis and various work study students have pinned and labeled many thousands of beetles for the project. More recently, Paul Lago at the University of Mississippi, and Andy Cline (California Dept. of Food and Agriculture) have been involved with the effort. Ultimately, a publication documenting the Nitidulidae of Mississippi will be produced.

Photos of beetles used for this web site were taken by MacGown using a Leica DFC 420 digital camera on a Leica Z16 microscope. Images were shot at different focus levels and then put together into single images with the use of Automontage module that is included with the Leica Application Suite (LAS). Images were further enhanced using Adobe Photoshop CS4.