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Salambona analamprella (Dyar)

Synonymy and Types
Zophodia analamprella Dyar, 1922, Ins. Insc. Menstr., 10: 17.  
Type locality: Carmen Patagones, Argentina.  Type deposition: National Museum of Natural History, Washington.

Salambona analamprella, Heinrich, 1939, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 86: 380.

As given for the monotypic genus.

As given for the monotypic genus.

Argentina: Carmen Patagones (Jan.), Andalgalá (Mar.), La Rioja.

Life History and Larval Hosts
Life History: Eggs are laid singly.  Dodd (1940) reported this species to be primarily predaceous on cochineal scales (Dactylopius sp.) and to be the major predator of cochineal in Argentina.  Dodd considered its feeding on Opuntia flowers, buds, and fruits to be a secondary habit.  However, Heinrich questioned Dodd's conclusions based on the morphological characters of the species that allied it more with Opuntia feeders than with cochineal predators, e.g., Laetilia coccidivora (Comstock). 

Hosts: Cochineal scales; Opuntia sulphurea G. Don and probably other species of Opuntia.

Dyar (1922), Heinrich (1936, 1956), Dodd (1940).