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Ants of Cheraw State Park and Carolina Sandhillls NWR in Chesterfield County, South Carolina, 8-13 July 2013 (species list)

Joe MacGown and JoVonn G. Hill

The following is a list of ants collected during the 2013 William H. Cross Expedition in Cheraw State Park and Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge in eastern Chesterfield County, South Carolina by Joe A. MacGown, JoVonn G. Hill, and other participants of the 2013 William H. Cross Expedition from 8-13 July 2013.
For more information about this Cross Expedition, go to the 2013 Cross Expedition Log.

We collected 55 species of ants, which included three new state records:Lasius murphyi, Pheidole floridana, and Ponera exotica. We collected four introduced species including Nylanderia vividula, Brachyponera chinensis (Asian needle ant), Solenopsis invicta (red imported fire ant), and Strumigenys membranifera. Of these, the Asian needle ants and the red imported fire ants were by far the most abundant.

The species list presented below is arranged alphabetically. Click on a species name for more info. New state records are indicated with an asterisk (*).

Aphaenogaster ashmeadi (Emery) Cheraw State Park 
Aphaenogaster carolinensis Wheeler Cheraw State Park 
Aphaenogaster floridana M.R. Smith  Cheraw State Park, Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge
Aphaenogaster treatae Wheeler Cheraw State Park
Brachymyrmex depilis Emery Cheraw State Park, Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge
Brachyponera chinensis (Emery)  Cheraw State Park, Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge
Camponotus castaneus (Latreille)   Cheraw State Park 
Camponotus chromaiodes Bolton Cheraw State Park
Camponotus nearcticus Emery Cheraw State Park 
Camponotus pennsylvanicus (DeGeer) Cheraw State Park 
Camponotus socius Roger  Cheraw State Park, Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge
Colobopsis impressa Roger Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge
Colobopsis obliqua (Smith) Cheraw State Park 
Crematogaster ashmeadi Mayr Cheraw State Park, Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge 
Crematogaster minutissima Mayr  Cheraw State Park
Crematogaster pilosa Emery Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge
Dolichoderus pustulatus Mayr Cheraw State Park, Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge
Dorymyrmex bureni (Trager) Cheraw State Park, Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge
Dorymyrmex smithi Cole Cheraw State Park 
Forelius pruinosus (Roger) Cheraw State Park, Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge
Formica dolosa Buren Cheraw State Park, Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge
Formica pallidefulva Latreille Cheraw State Park 
Formica subintegra Wheeler Cheraw State Park 
Formica subsericea Say Cheraw State Park 
Hypoponera opacior (Forel) Cheraw State Park, Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge
Lasius americanus Emery  Cheraw State Park
*Lasius murphyi (Forel) Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge
Myrmecina americana Emery Cheraw State Park
Neivamyrmex carolinensis (Emery)  Cheraw State Park 
Nylanderia faisonensis (Forel) Cheraw State Park 
Nylanderia parvula (Mayr) Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge
Nylanderia vividula (Nylander) Cheraw State Park, Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge
Nylanderia wojciki (Trager)* Cheraw State Park 
Pheidole bicarinata Mayr Cheraw State Park 
Pheidole crassicornis Emery  Cheraw State Park, 
Pheidole dentata Mayr Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge
Pheidole dentigula Smith Cheraw State Park
*Pheidolebilimeki Mayr Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge
Pogonomyrmex badius (Latreille)  Cheraw State Park, Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge
*Ponera exotica Smith Cheraw State Park
Proceratium pergandei (Emery) Cheraw State Park
Pseudomyrmex ejectus (Smith)  Cheraw State Park
Pseudomyrmex pallidus (F. Smith) Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge
Solenopsis carolinensis Forel Cheraw State Park 
Solenopsis invicta Buren Cheraw State Park, Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge
Solenopsis molesta (Say) Cheraw State Park 
Solenopsis pergandei Forel Cheraw State Park, Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge
Solenopsis picta Emery Cheraw State Park
Strumigenys bunki (Brown) Cheraw State Park 
Strumigenys louisianae Roger Cheraw State Park
Strumigenys membranifera Emery Cheraw State Park
Strumigenys ornata Mayr Cheraw State Park
Tapinoma sessile (Say)  Cheraw State Park 
Temnothorax curvispinosus (Mayr )  Cheraw State Park, Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge
Temnothorax pergandei (Emery) Cheraw State Park, Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge